
Women of Wisdom | קלפי מסר ומדיטציות בהשראת העוצמה של נשות התנ"ך – באנגלית

המחיר המקורי היה: ₪211.50.המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪150.00.

A must-have self-help tool to help you gain and guidance leading to self-awareness, personal growth and transformation.

50 קלפי מסר ומדיטציות בהשראת העוצמה של 25 נשים תנ"כיות. ועוד חוברת ובה הסיפור המיקראי, של כל מסר, לתת לך עוד השראה. וכן, מפגש עם מיגוון נשים עוצמתיות שבתוכך. וגם רעיונות לסדנאות. ערכה של WOW – להתבוננות, התפתחות ויצירת שינוי.


An artistic set featuring the voices of the ancient Biblical Women as a source of inspiration for women today.

Dear women, no matter where you are on your life-journey, the Women of Wisdom Set warmly invites you to draw on eternal wisdom. It opens a unique way to connect with the transformative power of the Women in the Bible.

Let the ancient Women ignite your spirit, nurture your soul, and guide you towards a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

Inspiration through Ancient Wisdom

The set has 50 illustrated cards with powerful messages & guided meditations, and a Guidebook with 50 stories about the Biblical Women's inner strengths.  This magical tool will awaken your intuition, deepen your connection with the Divine, help you acquire psychological insights and uncover your hidden talents. The cards will become your trusted companions, guiding you through life's ups and downs with grace, wisdom, and resilience.

A Journey of Transformation Hold the deck in your hands, ask for guidance and choose a card. As you connect with the Biblical Woman, her archetypal image, her unique message, and the guided meditation, you will feel a shift within you.Immerse yourself in the everlasting power of the ancient story, engage with thought-provoking questions, and discover the radiant strength that lies within you.

An Essential Tool for Professionals

This comprehensive collection of narratives, insights, and reflections equips therapists and life coaches with the resources they need to effectively guide women on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

The connection to the Biblical Woman – to her path, courage and daring, allows the patient to open up to new possibilities. To discover what else is possible for her.Empowering and Innovative WorkshopsThis set opens a gateway for facilitators to offer uplifting and creative workshops. Paving the way for transformative, magical workshops rooted in Carl Jung's theory of the collective unconscious. Women draw inspiration from the Biblical Women as their mentors and role models, helping them discover hidden potential, realize hidden abilities. This encourages them to move towards a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Meet the Creator: Judith's Journey

Judith Jungman Saadon is a mother, wife, psychologist, and leader of women's groups inspired by Biblical Women.Her creation, the Women of Wisdom set, was born out of her desire to help women awaken and strengthen the power of healing hidden within."It is a dream come true for me," Judith shares. "During years of searching, I found in the Women of the Bible a significant anchor rooted in ancient feminine wisdom. I was looking to create a way that would enable these Archetypal Women to be our unique mentors, to ground us, help us thrive, and guide us on our life journey. I hope this unique set touches every woman seeking inspiration and personal development."

A Perfect Gift

This set is an ideal gift for every woman looking for awareness and self-development. It’s the perfect choice for women you love and appreciate.

Uplifting Dialogues

Bring out the Women of Wisdom cards to spark a conversation about empowerment and resilience, together with your adult daughter, sister, or friend.

Inner Peace

In stressful moments, choose a card, focus on the ancient woman and her message. Feel her healing power and visualize goodness entering your life. A Spiritual Ceremony

Set aside time for a spiritual ritual. Light a candle and draw inspiration from a message of one of the Women of the Bible.

Safe SpaceBefore starting your workshop, arrange cards in a circle, ready to use. Envision the Women of the Bible surrounding your circle with light and spiritual energy.


Sincerely, Judith



"These cards are a gift to humanity given by God."

"I'm a social worker and spiritual mentor. I use more than 60 different card decks in my sessions. The Women of Wisdom cards are by far the most accurate, rich, and profound cards I have ever used. The artistic images and messages create an inner dialogue that brings clarity and a higher perspective. The Guided Meditation and the Biblical stories encourage a deeper soul-searching process that aligns with the person's purpose and leads to a meaningful transformation."

Michal Spiegelman, Medical Intuitive, Spiritual mentor, founder of Beacons of Change.


Feedback from the first two Women of Wisdom workshops in the U.S:

"The card above all, increased my confidence in myself!"

"Working with the card of Sarah, confirmed my intuition about areas that I wanted to work on this year to address my weaknesses and help me elevate my consciousness and my healing journey. I already feel a shift in my confidence level."

Lourice Jajeh


"I came away from this workshop filled with inspiration and ideas on using these cards’ wisdom."

My biggest takeaway is that I am not alone on my journey and that I carry the wisdom of the women who came before me. The way I think of myself has shifted. I am capable of so much, and I am worthy of achieving my goals. You’ll be so inspired by the strength of the women represented on the cards!"

Cyndi Washington, Georgia

"The Women of Wisdom cards are amazing!"

"During a women’s empowerment workshop, we each chose a beautiful card and discovered that each artistic card had a personal message. Afterwards, we discussed the message we received with our partner, and found that it resonated with what we were going through in our lives. I love the cards and learning how to integrate what we learned. Thank you!"

Lori Genderson


"The Women of Wisdom cards helped me draw correlations to real life challenges needing my attention. Wow!"

"My intuition led me to choose the Archetypal card. I was able to discover surprising connections between the seemingly 'random' card I chose and what I seek to heal."

Alisa Blaufox


"Choosing the Esther card brought me so much inspiration!"

"Hearing Esther's biblical story made me realize that I’m on the right path and that I should be patient and keep moving forward."

Linh Dosunmu


"What a wonderful way to tap into wisdom!"

"I believe every woman who works with the Women of Wisdom cards will feel more healed, happier, lighter, and more empowered to go after what she desires for her life."

 Linh Dosunmu


"Thank you to the Women of the Bible"

"After picking the Naomi card at a workshop, and reading the message – sharing her feelings, I was able to share with another woman there about my life …I never start random convos with people. I feel like I've definitely had a shift with my confidence and in sharing my truth.

DJ Kesner



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